9-12 Education

Now that summer activities have been canceled, high schoolers have a lot of free time. So don’t waste it! Here are some great resources for getting ahead in school, learning a new skill, or prepping for college!

Crash Course

Crash Course is one of the best ways to educate yourself, your classmates, and your family on YouTube! From courses like Astronomy to US History and Anatomy & Physiology it's got you covered with an awesome variety of AP high school curriculum topics. With various witty hosts at your service, you won't even notice you're getting smarter.
Click here to go to Crash Course!


Through Phlearn, you can learn for free with video streaming on demand. It will teach you more about Photoshop, Lightroom and mobile editing, as well as the fundamentals of taking great pictures.
Click here to go to Phlearn!


Coding is one of the most valuable skills that you can pick up. On the free site, you can choose what to learn, including building websites to analyze data. You’ll learn by doing and can start writing code within a few minutes of joining the site.
Click here to go to Codecademy!


Duolingo is a free app that high school students should take advantage of now. Some schools offer limited foreign language options, but through Duolingo, students can learn Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Arabic, Hindi, Russian and many more.
Click here to go to Duolingo!


Coursera is an e-learning platform that allows you to be taught by professors from Ivy League schools and other elite schools. All the courses are available for free, and topics available include C++, marketing, engineering and psychology.
Click here to go to Coursera!


EdX is an online platform that offers more than 2,500 courses online for free. Take this time to learn a new skill or explore a possible major from institutions like MIT, Harvard, University of California-Berkeley, and more.
Click here to go to EdX!